Object#method is a little-known, yet very interesting Ruby method. Let’s see how it works and how you can use it in your code.

The basics

Let’s imagine we have some Ruby class, e.g.

class Animal
  def speak(sound)
    puts "I say #{sound}!"

Calling the #method on the instance of this class, would return a Method object. This Method object acts as a closure in the context of the associated object.

animal = Animal.new
met = animal.method(:speak)

#=> Method
=> "#<Method: Animal#speak(sound)>"

met.call # we forget to pass the argument
#=> ArgumentError (wrong number of arguments (given 0, expected 1))
# I say meow!
# => nil

One thing that’s interesting in Method objects, is the fact they implement the #to_proc method. To see how this could be useful, let’s first remind ourselves of a widely-used Ruby shortcut.

The ampersand operator

Consider this common Ruby shortcut:

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].select { |num| num.even? }
#=> [2, 4, 6]

# commonly simplified with:

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].select(&:even?)
#=> [2, 4, 6]

The reason this works is two-fold. First, there is the & (ampersand) operator. When used at the beginning of a method argument, it transforms its operant into a Proc object (by calling #to_proc on it), and passes it to the method as if it was a block. Secondly, the Symbol class implements #to_proc. The way it’s implemented effectively allows us to send a given symbol to the provided argument. See Symbol#to_proc in action below:

is_even = :even?.to_proc

#=> false
#=> true

This proc could also be passed to the #select method from the previous example. We still need to use the ampersand operator (so that Ruby knows to treat it like a block).

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].select(&is_even)
#=> [2, 4, 6]

Ampersand with the Method object

Given the fact that the Method object implements the #to_proc method as well, we can use it much the same way as we did the symbol. Let’s circle back to our previous example to see this in action.

class Animal
  def speak(sound)
    puts "I say #{sound}!"

met = Animal.new.method(:speak)
animal_sounds = ['meow', 'woof', 'moo', 'oink', 'hee-haw']

# I say meow!
# I say woof!
# I say moo!
# I say oink!
# I say hee-haw!
# => ["meow", "woof", "moo", "oink", "hee-haw"]

So when is this useful?

One reason I used #method combined with the ampersand operator in the past was to get rid of repetitive, one-dimensional blocks. This is especially valuable, when you are chaining multiple methods together. Let’s say we have multiple filters with the same interface (all returning true or false) that we want to use on a collection:

class AboveMinThresholdChecker

  def self.call(number)

  def call(number)
    number > MIN_THRESHOLD

class BelowMaxThresholdChecker
  # ...

class PrimeNumberChecker
  # ...

Using explicit blocks, we would then do something like:

numbers = (1..400).to_a

numbers.select { |num| AboveMinThresholdChecker.call(num) }.
        select { |num| BelowMaxThresholdChecker.call(num) }.
        select { |num| PrimeNumberChecker.call(num) }

With our new knowledge, we can simplify the above in the following way using the #method:



Have you used #method in Ruby before? Can you think of other interesting situations it could prove handy? Please share in the comments below!

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