Using the case expression in Ruby is a great way to write conditionals in a clear, and succinct way. Despite that, it’s not hard to encounter convoluted if constructs in places where refactoring to the case statement would result in huge improvements. Let’s learn more about the case expression and when it’s best to use it.

Expressing logic simply

Consider this piece of code:

number = 6

if number > 0 && number <= 3
  'low value'
elsif number > 3 && number <= 7
  'medium value'
elsif number > 7 && number <= 10
  ' high value'
  'invalid value'

It seems like quite a complicated way to express a pretty straightforward logic, doesn’t it? Still, I bet that you have seen a construct like that many times. I know I have.

This logic could be greatly simplified with the case expression:

case number
when (0..3)
  'low value'
when (4..7)
  'medium value'
when (8..10)
  'high value'
  'invalid value'

We could also use the then keyword to make this even more succinct:

case number
when (0..3)  then 'low value'
when (4..7)  then 'medium value'
when (8..10) then 'high value'
else              'invalid value'

This code effectively works like:

if (0..3) === number
  'low value'
elsif (4..7) === number
  'medium value'
elsif (8..10) === number
  'high value'
  'invalid value'

As you can see, the case statements are most powerful when our logic is concerned with a value of a single object (the number in the above examples), which is provided next to the case keyword. What comes after each when acts as a pattern. It doesn’t have to be a Range necessarily - this would work with any object. Similar to how the #grep method behaves, the case expression results in invoking the #=== method on the given patterns. In fact, the #=== method in Ruby is often called the “case equality”, as it’s mostly known for being used in case statements.

You can consult the Ruby documentation and look into how the #=== method is implement in various classes. On the Object class, it works the same as the regular equality method, the #==. It’s then up to descending classes to implement their own interpretation of the “case equality”.

Patterns in the case statements

Let’s look at some examples of objects being used as patterns in the case statements.

The case statement with integers as patterns:

case number
when 0 then false
when 1 then true

With strings:

case answer
when 'Y' then true
when 'N' then false

And with regexes:

case string
when (/^a/) then 'starts with an A'
when (/^z/) then 'starts with a Z'

You can of course mix the types of patterns within one statement:

case number
when 0       then 'zero'
when (1..3)  then 'low value'
when (4..7)  then 'medium value'
when (8..10) then 'high value'

One last tip. You can provide multiple patterns for each when. This would effectively mimic the logical || operator, with each pattern beig compared against. To illustrate this, let’s expand on a previous example:

case answer.downcase
when 'y', 'yes' then true
when 'n', 'no' then false

Under the hood, this works just like:

if 'y' === answer.downcase  || 'yes' === answer.downcase
elsif 'n' === answer.downcase || 'no' === answer.downcase


I hope that you find this quick recap of the case expression useful. How often are you using case statements in your projects? Please share in the comments.

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